[Whonix-devel] bounty overview - May 2015

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Tue May 12 17:40:28 CEST 2015

List of bounties and details:

- Build Debian Packages from Source Code - $ 3.000 - https://www.bountysource.com/issues/9115540-build-debian-packages-from-source-code

- implement rads (ram adjusted desktop starter) systemd unit - $ 50 - https://www.bountysource.com/issues/14466761-implement-rads-ram-adjusted-desktop-starter-systemd-unit

- make grsecurity kernel, grsecurity-installer work inside Whonix  - $ 400 - https://www.bountysource.com/issues/14471558-make-grsecurity-kernel-grsecurity-installer-work-inside-whonix

- bountysource/frontend - Add support for Phabricator - $ 100 - https://www.bountysource.com/issues/1384856-add-support-for-phabricator-100

Bounty too low? How to apply?

1) Go to specific bountysource tickets.
2) Click on “Developers”
3) Click on “Get Started”
4) Select Status “Bounty too low”
5) Enter your offer and press “Save”.

The bounty may then be increased by if realistic and sustainable.

If you have any questions, please get in contact.

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